Via Flickr:
Panorama of Nha Trang's beach from the hotel. I want to go back. Food's good, weather's good, sun's good.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Nha Trang
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Canada Day Fireworks
Via Flickr:
Finally had a little bit of time to import these fireworks to my hard drive.
My friends, cousin and I went out to watch the fireworks. There were three of us with cameras and tripods set up. We took up quite a bit of space considering how many people are always around to watch the fireworks.
No processing whatsoever, just a straight export from Lightroom.
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Las Vegas Fountain
Via Flickr:
This is somewhere in Vegas. I don't remember which hotel this is part of, but probably Caesar's.
I figured I would throwback to the old days of when I only processed in Photomatix, so this is done all in Photomatix tonemapping.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Caesar's Palace
Via Flickr:
I went to Las Vegas about a month ago. I finally decided to process a photo. Even then, I barely processed this at all.
Anyway, the first time I went to Vegas, I was 12, so it didn't even matter... but Caesar's Palace was nothing like it is now. This is like a compound... it's massive.